Monday, 26 May 2014

Birthday 'BBQ'

If you told 18 year old me I'd spend my 21st birthday at an indoor BBQ with my grandparents, she would have kicked off. She would have kicked off hard.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

10 things in 21 years

I turn 21 tomorrow (YAY!). How I've made it this far is 100% beyond me, so I have written this post which is dedicated to 10 of the main things I've learnt in my 21 years! It's inspired by one of my absolute favourite bloggers, beinglittle, who wrote a similar one for her birthday earlier in the month! Some of the following lessons have come quite naturally and some have come as a result of some quite difficult parts of my life, but they are all things I often find I'm reminding myself!
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