Thursday, 8 May 2014

Summer Sun

I was lucky enough to spend this weekend lounging in the sun!

Saturday morning Matt and I went in to town for breakfast to cure our aching heads- I may have had too much to drink the night before, but that's just between me and you, then followed it up with a wander around town and in to the CD & Vinyl fair that's held every month or so in town. It's always full of so many different characters and thousands of records. I spent far more than intended but came away with a few banging albums that I'm sure will be played regularly once I get my record player back! Then after a very emotional couple of hours wathing the football, Arsenal finally won the FA Cup! We celebrated by sitting out in the garden with plenty of beers.

Today I made Matt a beautiful daisy chain crown, luckily for him the pink daisy ended up being right in the middle of his forehead, and ate the most delicious burgers, his with salad and all sorts, mine with some chips (I'm a wee bit fussy!). 

I'm sooo excited for the next few weeks since it's my birthday next monday and then Matt and I have the house to ourselves for a couple of weeks as his parents are going away. I'm more interested to see if we can manage on our own more than anything, it'll definitely be a learning experience!

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