Sunday, 10 August 2014

Lomography Konstruktor 35mm DIY Camera

Last week I bought the Konstruktor kit from Lomography. Might not have been the best idea since 
my patience leaves a lot to be desired...

I have never been very handy. I've never attempted any DIY project before either so building this camera was a completely new challenge for me! I'm glad I accomplished it, but it took so long, all because of a little spring. I have a bit of an issue with this kit BECAUSE of that bloody little spring, I spent near on an hour trying to get that spring on the right parts, and after three hours (yup, THREE) of building it flew off the camera. I went mad and the whole lot was put by the bin because I had just quite frankly had enough and never wanted to see a camera again. The next morning I did a bit of googling and saw that the spring wasn't 100% necessary- cue me going mad again for fiddling around for SO long with that bloody spring- so I carried on, 3 minutes in to me picking up that screw driver MATT FINDS THE SPRING... I also find the second spring, rolling around in the box. The spare spring. The spare spring they give you in case you lose the first one. Cue the whole lot being put down again for a little while whilst I calmed down. But I made it. Eventually.

Isn't it pretty. I LOVE that they give you stickers to decorate the camera with, it adds a little personal touch (if building the thing isn't personal enough!).

As a camera, it's slow. It's very frustrating to use, the lever that you use to cock the shutter doesn't always work but I think that's more because I've not built it correctly and the frame counter does't have much use since it's so loose that it just spins so easily. I also don't get on with the view finder because it's back to front, but that's a personal thing. Over all I don't think I'll be using it often, but the satisfaction of knowing that you've built a camera that actually works is wonderful, even if you don't use it and it gives a great insight in to how cameras are put together.

It's definitely something I would recommend if you're in to photography and looking for a project.

Have any of you bought/built this? What did you think? I'd love to hear how you found using it after building it.

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