Monday, 16 June 2014

Road Trip!

Sunday, Lauren and I went on a road trip! Where did we go..?

Yep! We travelled all the way to Donington Park for Download festival (Friday night Lauren told me she was going, so Saturday morning I bought a ticket)! It was amazing! 
So glad I got to see some amazing bands… I ended up a little inebriated and wound up with one hell of a hangover Monday morning but it was more than worth it. I got to see The Used! I’ve loved that band since I was 14, Kirsty and I were always so proud of ourselves for knowing the intro to I’m A Fake off by heart and I’m still proud to say that 7 years later I STILL know it !Zebrahead were amazing as per, the first time I saw them was at my first ever festival, Hevy in 2011 - I was a late bloomer to the world of festivals.. and they’ve been amazing every single time I’ve seen them since then. 
I also got to see Black Stone Cherry, Buck Cherry, Alter Bridge, Areosmith and Polar. I got to hear Crazy Town from a bit of a distance, but instead of watching Alter Bridge I played Black Jack with some dudes and went on a spinny ride thing. Steel Panther were amazing, hilarious and I ended up seeing lots of boobies cause during ‘17 girls in a row’ they got loads of ladies up on stage from the crowd and they just started stripping off, it was all very strange. But I was pissed, so I appreciated it… Aerosmith have never really bothered me, it wascool to see some of their hits live and it was nice to know that my dad was real jealous of me haha. 
So all in all, it was a good day! The weather was nice for the most part and I got to hang out in a field, with lots of booze and lots of friends. Not much better than that is there!

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