Sunday, 29 June 2014

Sunday walks

Sundays are for relaxing, long walks and mini golf!

Today was spent walking around Charlton lakes in the sun with Matt and then playing crazy golf! I haven't played crazy golf in nine years and I am no better now than I was then, but Matt only beat me by 3 points and I'm pretty sure he was cheating, as you can see from the last photo, I had a bit of an issue on one of the holes, the ball was meant to go through one of the tunnels and out on to the green the other side, alas I chipped it right in to the middle of the rocks and it was a bit of a palaver and I nearly fell of and knocked out the people at the back of the photo trying to hit the ball...
But anyway, I took along my camera and it was so nice to actually take some photos again! I'm a bit out of practice and I much prefer to photograph people, but I'm quite proud of how some of the photos turned out!

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